[asterisk-biz] Legal actions in case of lost DIDs.

Paul ast2005 at 9ux.com
Tue May 23 12:22:13 MST 2006

Sikaspam wrote:

>Trixter aka Bret McDanel wrote:
>>while some less informed may say yes, the reaty is not always.  
>>Was there a user agreement or other contract that you entered that forbids legal aaction against the provider?  
>>does the law in that country prohibit cases like this?
>I wonder how many people sued United or American or other airlines
>during strikes? I was never contacted for any possible class action.
>How about the long UPS strike? Our Internet cable connection went out
>once for three weeks. Many people were involved but AFAIK, not one sued.
>We don't resell internet access, but our business absolutely required it
>and every time we had to hide behind "our connection is down" it was
>awful for our image. That was a few years ago and since then I've never
>been without two connectctions from different companies. The irony
>though is that if the phone company provideing the copper to the office
>went down, both connections would die (plus we'd have no POTS backup!).
>Fortunately that happens rarely, even here.
>You think game consoles are a time sink, try suing someone! As Bret
>says, you can also be forced to pay all costs.
There are so many laws favoring labor unions that I'm sure it would be
hard to sue any business for related disruptions.

There have been times in my life when I knew I had been wronged and
could prove it. First thing I did was a thorough background check on the
prospective defendant(s). Usually, it didn't take long to discover that
there was little hope of actually collecting if I were to win a judgement.

My advice to all is to improve your overall risk management strategy.
Check out vendors more carefully. If needed, hire someone like me who
knows how to do it right. Don't depend entirely on credit reports when
the stakes are high. The question you should be asking yourself is "What
does this person/company have to lose if they fail to deliver?"

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