[asterisk-biz] Digium T400P Clone For Sale

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Sun May 21 07:22:41 MST 2006

On Saturday 20 May 2006 01:02, Craig Lawrence wrote:
> Is it true these cards use up to 30% of CPU resources and tend to have
> massive echo issues as a result?

The original T400 cards are incapable of either PCI bus mastering or PCI burst 
transfers, I forget which (or both?) -- as a result they do use more CPU and 
wallclock time to communicate with and can lead to problems such as echo.

Not bad for a freely available design, and Digium took that design and 
improved upon it. If the T400P does what you want, why not use it?


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