[asterisk-biz] Dedicated Virtual Asterisk Boxes

Eric Tichansky asterisk at lylix.net
Tue May 16 00:07:40 MST 2006

 > Maby you should check this article:
 > http://www.telephreak.org/papers/vpa/
 > I installed asterisk in a virutal server and it works great for now 
(we are testing right now).

We are currently providing Asterisk VPSs with no complaints from 
customers.  The underlying technology is Linux-Vserver, ie. OS 
virtualization.  The advantage over Xen and UML is that each guest is a 
"little closer to the metal", utilizing the host kernel and only 
suffering a slight hit from the virtualization layer.  We also closely 
monitor usage across the board to ensure there is no CPU or network 
hogging. Each host is built with the zaptel modules, specifically 
ztdummy, and we have seen excellent performance with Meetme.

If a customer where to build asterisk from source inside a VPS, they 
just need to follow the VPA document at telephreaks (previously 
mentioned) after the host stuff.  Though zaptel is not required by any 
means for a functional Asterisk VPS, copying a couple zaptel headers is 
necessary for a complete Asterisk build to include Meetme, et. al.  This 
means zaptel is not actually compiled in the VPS.

At the moment we know that systems are running on Gentoo and CentOS 
distributions, both 32 and 64-bit.  Most of them are testbeds with the 
intention to move on to dedicated hardware after concepts are thoroughly 


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