[asterisk-biz] VoicePulse Connect for Asterisk -- Signup Bonus

Brian Fertig brian at ezzitel.com
Tue May 2 16:09:08 MST 2006

Well I can say from personal experience that yes..  NuFone did have problems
but they are being sorted and will be 100% within the next week due to an

issue out of their hands.  I will stand by NuFone since they started this
revolution over 3 years ago before all of you even heard of asterisk.. 


They will continue to be the forefront of voip technology offering new
innovative services to its clients.


My 2c.. 



PS I am not getting paid for this endorsement.



From: asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of VoIP Dealer
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:48 PM
To: asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com
Subject: [asterisk-biz] VoicePulse Connect for Asterisk -- Signup Bonus


I just noticed this while signing up a new account for a customer -- if you
open with a $100 deposit or greater, you get $10 in free credit added to
your account.  In addition, the IAX termination and toll-free incoming has
been fantastic since we moved from the Nufone disaster.


Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone
=39663/*http:/voice.yahoo.com>  Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

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