[asterisk-biz] Looking for someone to setup DS3 in Chicago area

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Sat Mar 18 02:52:10 MST 2006

Do you still need help?

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Todd Routhier 
	Sent: Sat 2/18/2006 3:56 PM 
	To: asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com 
	Subject: [asterisk-biz] Looking for someone to setup DS3 in
Chicago area

	We may have a need for someone to guide us through the setup of
a DS3
	for voice use inside a data center in Chicago within the next
	Also may need this person to advise us on an equipment purchase.
	 We have someone that may do this for us but not sure at this
	trying to see who is out in the Chicago area that we can get to
	this up for us.
	Asterisk experience is preferred because we will be tapping T1's
	this and into Digium cards etc.
	Please email me your info offlist gotvoip at gmail.com

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