[asterisk-biz] E911 DID's

Dovid Bender asteriskdigium at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 9 05:22:56 MST 2006

> myPhoneComapny.com from what I know is fully FCC
> compliant. They have DID's for $5.00 a month.
I am sorry but the information I posted above was
wrong. I was speaking to my guy in myphonecompany and
he says thier plans work as follows.
Thier DID's that are $10.00 a month or $5.00 a month
are e911 capable. However you must pay a $15.00 set up
fee per DID as well as an extra $1.50. So if you want
E911 then there would be a one time fee of $15.00 and
your monthly bill would be $5.00 + $1.50 = $6.50 a
month. He also said that for DID's under thier whole
sale plan E911 is not available at all. (It's $1.75
per month per DID min. of 500 DID's). They do have
DID's on DIDX.org I am not sure if those under the
whole sale category or not. 


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