[asterisk-biz] voicemail-to-email synchronization bounty to $3000

Christopher Bergström cbergstrom at netsyncro.com
Fri Jan 20 18:42:38 MST 2006

support at sjobeck.com wrote:

>still need way to handle auth' ...... maybe LDAP? 
>(ie: VM pin's in LDAP, shared between IMAP & VM server?)(am I a genious?
>or nuts? It's a fine line)
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If auth is done via PAM you open up pretty much an entire range of auth 
options from LDAP to database driven as it'll act as a clean layer... 
This isn't to say I like pam at all, but... It's an option..

I've yet to look at what's really going on here as far as the status..


Haven't looked at the code, but..
    a) What's the licensing and can it just be picked up and finished by 
someone else.. (Of course giving a kickback to original author for his 
    b) What features were missing if anyone knows...

I'm trying to create a flow of what's going on here so please pardon if 
I get this wrong.

Step 1) Asterisk receives VM
Step 2) Asterisk is now supposed to deliver VM to users IMAP account..
    Q.1) Is the IMAP daemon guaranteed to be on the same machine or is 
there a separation of layers and the IMAP server is on another machine..
    Q.2) Can I change X-Asterisk-VoiceMail-ID=################ to 
X-Asterisk-VoiceMail-ID=|xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx (It's a 
GUID) Or did Asterisk already create this? (I haven't setup a test yet 
with VM configured.)|
Step 3) The VM is now in the users IMAP INBOX
Step 4) User can do do "normal" email related things and those changes 
correspond in both directions...

So we need an IMAP compatible daemon tied into Asterisk VM and a custom 
IMAP daemon which works both with standard clients and custom Asterisk 
client.  If there is a separation in layers then I assume there will be 
two copies of the VM?

I'm also not seeing where Exchange fits into this.. How is this Exchange 
account created or managed and is there another set of credentials being 
used to interact here?  Surely, this isn't tied directly into Asterisk 
with the same username/pass?

Anyhow, some quick Googling shows it's possible with..

Asterisk .Net (AGI) and some remoting with the server that has MS 
Exchange.. (Mono compatible and you've also got cross platform)..  I 
have no access to an Exchange server and if you subtract the amounts 
from contributors wanting it tied into MS Exchange you're down to a 
pretty meager amount...  The other requirement for it to be committed 
CVS.. I've yet to make a commit so dunno what the process here is.. 
(Asterisk-dev here I subscribe :P)

Feedback, ideas and or corrections?


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