[asterisk-biz] DIDs from Reunion Island Available

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at ykoz.net
Thu Feb 16 14:11:58 MST 2006

Mark a écrit :

> "Again, this is something for legal counsel to decide if its acceptable."
> Sounds tro me like it is more for a Judge to decide at some point. 
> Legal Counsel has no authority to further define the law only 
> interpret it for the benefit of their client.

To me that point is completely moot. I did do some research on this and 
I saw nothing on the ARCEP (French Regulator) that makes selling 
geographical DIDs through VoIP illegal. It __might__ apply to L.33-1 
licensed operators though I haven't seen anything about that either.

Unless I am pointed to a real, tangible text which explicitly forbids 
this practice in France (and I have searched), this point is just a 
geeky urban myth.


Jean-Michel Hiver - http://ykoz.net/
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