[asterisk-biz] Is ISP Blocking VoIP

Paul ast2005 at 9ux.com
Fri Feb 3 12:02:59 MST 2006

Tim Booth wrote:

>Don't you think if your ISP is blocking traffic in your area they would
>also be blocking Vonage,BroadVoice..ect and if they were blocking those
>guys we would have heard about by now.
I agree. I have contract techs in other states with consumer grade adsl
and cable. I help them get a linux server up for their own education and
it starts becoming obvious that the connection just plain sucks in
general. One of them has a lingo account and it is highly unreliable. We
set up xlite as an extension of my pbx ulaw only and it works better. I
am shipping him a spare grandstream so we can use g729.

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