[asterisk-biz] Is ISP Blocking VoIP (situation in Israel)

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at ykoz.net
Wed Feb 1 00:41:37 MST 2006

Moshe Maeir a écrit :

> AFAIK - there is no published policy - though the unpublished policy 
> is that if a private entity wants to buy a box and contract with a 
> foreign service - no one will stop him. If you want to set up a server 
> here and provide services - then you will be closed.
> Recently there was someone who identified himself as an Israeli 
> regulator on this list and I am sure that he can give more info.

I remember this thread:


Basically grey routing is illegal in Israel to avoid undercutting 
revenue generating licensed businesses. That de facto prevents you from 
starting up a small IP telco business without a license. This all seems 
so backwards for a country with a modern economy...


Jean-Michel Hiver - http://ykoz.net/
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