[asterisk-biz] Skype

Nick Stein nicholasstein at cox.net
Tue Dec 26 12:39:09 MST 2006

I think you do not want to put Skype on an Asterisk box.  Asterisk is a
server. Skype is a client.  It uses a peer-to-peer protocol stack, based on
the same peer stack as is Limewire and other mp3 downloading peers.  So it
is more akin to a softphone program like XLite except that it uses the
peer-to-peer protocol with an mp3 codec instead of sip or IAX with some
telephony codec.  Skype clients log into Skype servers out there that
perform a function similar to DUNDI and a SIP server in that they register
their availablity and the availablity of clients in your Skype phonebook.
But those Skype servers are run by Skype and I do not think they are in a
distributed architecture.  
So if your client wants to use Skype install the Skype client software on
his desktops.  It does not need to hit the Asterisk box and has several
methods of getting through the firewall.  
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Nick Stein
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