[asterisk-biz] looking to pay a consultant to help with my asterisk installation

Randy Paries rtparies at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 15:46:30 MST 2006

I am looking for someone to help me.
I had someone build and implement me an asterisk system.

we have a couple of tweaks that need to be done.
The tweaks that we are looking for include:
1) allowing the person to have more time to enter in thier PIN.
2) we are having problems with the voicemail just cutting off.
3) to end and review the voicemail

This is not a standard installation, all the voicemails are handled by
php scripts (i guess that is the way to say it, see extensions.conf

I have used guru.com before , but thought this mailing list would have
the expertise i need. I hope this is considered a appropriate post


I do not see anywhere obvious to put these.

#cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
exten => lm,1,AGI(leavemsg.php)
exten => lm,2,DeadAGI(convert2mp3.php)
exten => lm,4,DeadAGI(setpriv.php)

exten => t,1,DeadAGI(convert2mp3.php)
exten => t,2,DeadAGI(setpriv.php)

exten => h,1,DeadAGI(convert2mp3.php)
exten => h,2,DeadAGI(setpriv.php)


;Record the welcome message "press 1 to leave msg , press 2 to check voice msg"
exten => 1,1,Record(iexodus_welcome:gsm)
exten => 1,3,Hangup

;Record input digit "please input receiver number"
exten => 2,1,Record(iexodus_input_receiver_number:gsm)
exten => 2,2,Hangup

;Record error input receiver number
exten => 3,1,Record(iexodus_input_error_receiver_number:gsm)
exten => 3,2,Hangup

exten => t,1,Hangup
exten => #,1,Hangup


exten => _.,1,Answer
exten => _.,2,Background(iexodus_welcome)       ;play back thank you
for calling to this service

exten => _.,3,Goto(leavemsg,lm,1)

exten => 9876543211,1,Goto(recordvoice,1,1)
exten => 9876543211,2,Hangup

exten => 9876543212,1,Goto(recordvoice,2,1)
exten => 9876543212,2,Hangup

exten => 9876543213,1,Goto(recordvoice,3,1)
exten => 9876543213,2,Hangup

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