[Asterisk-biz] Asterisk at Katrina, didX, Astricon, any great termination exchange?

Charles Green, please getalife pleasegetalifemam at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 3 12:25:38 MST 2005

Quick blurb on some IP experiences lately. I'm sure you all are more savvy than I am.
1. Had the great opportunity to see many Asterisk-using businesses help the Hurricane Katrina area get themselves back together telecom and network wise. Really impressed me. 
2. Discovered didX.org. Finally, a creative guy like me with no money found this great resource as I am a consultant to Southeastern USA businesses in certain niches like prison systems, military, etc. I on;ly pay $20 month and I can get any number I want for my customers. Major DID providers wouldn't even squint at me much less look at me when I tried to interop. yeah, you can laugh. One phone number turned out bad. Was really the provider's fault not the Xchange. Besides that I've been able to dole out about 60+ dids to my end users. Even a German number and some Japanese numbers. 
3. Attended the Astricon conference and met so many people in Open Source biz or who want in. It put me in contact with even ones in Dothan Alabama and South Georgia area. WEll, that's not too far from Huntsville, right. 
4. Last is there a termination exchange as cool as didx? out there anywhere?
Charles Green 

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