[Asterisk-biz] Asterisk: HelpDesk / CRM type of Application inAsterisk

Hunt, Bill bill.hunt at stroudwater.com
Tue May 31 03:42:20 MST 2005

Check out the Dirigo Contact Suite(tm)
(http://www.stroudwater.com/dirigo.asp), although built originally for
large ACD's, it will be available for the Asterisk platform later this
summer.  Contact me off-list for more information.



Bill Hunt

Stroudwater Contact Point


207 347 8080 x219

207 415 6170 Mobile

877 870 1234 Toll Free


www.stroudwater.com <http://www.stroudwater.com/>   


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From: asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of dave cantera
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:24 AM
To: asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com
Cc: david.cantera at IBSOneCall.com
Subject: [Asterisk-biz] Asterisk: HelpDesk / CRM type of Application


I mistakenly sent this to the wrong list...

dave cantera wrote:

hi, I am new to asterisk....   
I have a client who wants a help desk type of application.  the asterisk
tool kit seems to fit the bill nicely.  is there anything already
implemented that is available or is all the asterisk implementations
attributes of the project include a sequence of events as follows:

we need two call paths for different scenarios

call flow path 'A'
call in, 
get CID and produce a screen pop, if no match on our database, ask for
name (screener stage I)
agent #1 fills in / updates a form then
pass call to an extension (agent #2, screener stage II) w/ screen pop on
local PC,
agent #2 has the option of passing that db record directly or
creating/completing a second form.  this would either have multiple
monitors (i.e. a teleprompter) or pass it on to the final destination.
record the call at each stage

call flow path 'B'
call in,
get CID and produce a screen pop, if no match on our database, ask for
name (agent #1 screener stage I)
lookup agent criteria matching the caller's needs, send screen pop to a
remote PC (even over the Internet) (stage II)
then transfer the call to the remote PC via VoIP if local, PSTN if not
local (stage III)
record the call at each stage

any help would be appreciated...
dave cantera

The eyes of the Lord roam over the whole earth, to encourage those who
are devoted to Him wholeheartedly.  
II Chronicles 16:9 NAB

The eyes of the Lord roam over the whole earth, to encourage those who
are devoted to Him wholeheartedly.  
II Chronicles 16:9 NAB


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