[Asterisk-biz] 911 update

Andrew Latham lathama at gmail.com
Fri May 13 09:58:41 MST 2005

How do you suggest we help? What can we do?

On 5/13/05, Jason P. Talley <jason at nuvio.com> wrote:
> All: 
> The FCC went "sunshine" yesterday regarding its May 19th meeting which
> includes 911.  Thought I would give you a quick update of the draft language
> and where things stand right now.  It is not good. 
> It appears that the FCC is going to require "interconnected" VoIP providers
> to deliver an emergency call to the proper PSAP with ALI information (and
> update the databases).  This includes all PSAPs and means connections
> through ILECs and RLECS.  Just using the RBOCs alone will not even come
> close to satisfying the standard.  This is much more stringent than even the
> cellular industry has to adhere to.  Before someone on this list goes off
> and says that this is ok, realize that this means interconnecting to more
> than 6600+ PSAPs, devising Psuedo ANI type technology, updating databases,
> etc.  This is no small task.  And here is the real kicker, the FCC is
> currently discussing an implementation date of 120 days.  I am sure that
> some waivers will be possible, but obtaining a waiver is not an easy or
> trivial task.  We have no rights to interconnect with any of these services,
> and in some cases, especially RLECs, there is no legal requirement that they
> open the network up even if we were certificated in the state.  Also, the
> FCC appears to specifically preserve our liability for lawsuits.  This is
> contrary to every other telecom provider who may be subject to state
> protections (remember we are interstate now with none of those benefits). 
> Just in case you are wondering who will be affected, consider this.  The FCC
> is stating that if you touch the PSTN in any way you will be required to
> comply.  This may well affect people like Skype (with Skype out), FWD, and
> most of you on this list.  The FCC does not seem to care if you are using
> ATAs, IP phones, or softphones.  The fact that you may have to boot a
> computer to use the service seems to be unimportant. 
> This is bad stuff for the industry.  I am hopeful that during the next week
> as staff meets to work on this a more moderate rule will be adopted,
> especially as it relates to implementation time frame.  This is not a
> question of if anymore, just a question of when.  Public safety is important
> and should be a core component of any offering, but reality needs to be
> addressed as well. 
> -jason 
> Jason P. Talley 
> Chief Executive Officer 
> Phone: 816-444-4422 ext. 6711 
> Fax: 816-333-5915 
> http://www.nuvio.com 
> jason at nuvio.com 
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Andrew Latham - AKA: LATHAMA (lay-th-ham-eh)
WWW: http://lathama.com
Email: lathama at lathama.com - lathama at yahoo.com - lathama at gmail.com
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