[Asterisk-biz] (Fwd) Re: anti trust law against cisco , good for the industry

Rehan Ahmed AllahWala - Super Technologies I rehan at supertec.com
Fri May 6 16:23:56 MST 2005

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:      	Tue, 26 Apr 2005 20:08:40 -0500
From:           	haroon at supertec.com
To:             	rehan at supertec.com
Subject:        	Re: anti trust law against cisco , good for the industry.

Raising a voice against forces that will kill the spirit what modern sciences
are today called research.  Microsoft, Cisco, AT&T.  They thrive on their
buy-out the competetion and kill the spirit of entrepreneurship.  The default
standards dictated worldwide as the industry standard, can only be challenged
by unification of developers globally to develop generic standard, for the
benefit of the voip.  FCC should essentially support to encourage the industry
grow, and definitely the anti trust laws.
The unparallel force Cisco which is rewiring Asia as Business Week says is now
conquering Asia after Americas.
Asia can only be conquered on technological excellence and not on proprietory
standards, and monopolistic prices.

Haroon Rashid
Super Technologies

Quoting Rehan Ahmed AllahWala - Super Technologies I <rehan at supertec.com>:

> I am copying this to Jeff Pulver, maybe if he thinks that its a good thing,
> he will speak
> something about it in von and write to fcc and at least i am willing to sign
> it as a
> petetion.
> Cisco ata 186, the old komodo phone was the same guys as sipura guys.
> they waited for 3 years till there contract with cisco bounded them not to do
> it, they did it
> again in shape of sipura, and cisco went ahead and bought it again
> Cisco also bought out Linksys who came out with the voip device, and now
> sipura
> again.
> The news that i read said, that cisco bought sipura to promote linksys
> product of there.
>  I think that they should not be allowed to  buy out sipura, and let sipra
> compete with
> cisco's product, so that it brings the best of every one out, rather then
> createing a old att
> style monopoly.
> A very experienced telecom company chairman last claimed to me that if att
> would not
> have been broken into the baby bells, today we would not have cell phones.
> I wonder if he was correct 100% but i do belive that if this would not have
> been done, it
> would have been a different world we live in, rather then buying a new phone
> connection for 2$ for life in some countries, and without vonage.
> I also think that sbc shold not be allowed to buy out att again and form
> again a big
> mama bell, as it looks like sbc is becoming.
> I hope i don't get a lot of hate mail and enemy's in big places for writing
> this, but they
> are my 2 cents.
> Rehan
> Super Technologies Inc., Pensacola, Florida
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