[Asterisk-biz] Forwarding incoming calls via SIP

beonice beonice at yahoo.com
Tue May 3 09:50:05 MST 2005

--- Yair Hakak <yhakak at gmail.com> wrote:
> why are you so keen to forward the libretel to
> voicepulse? why don't
> you forward the libretel direct to the asterisk
> server?
> -yair

You're not the first to ask that. :) 

Short answer: because I don't know if it's even
possible. I've just shot off a question to Libretel
asking whether they provide a way (device/uid/pwd/host
combo) to do this, but I see nothing on their FAQs
that would let me do it. The number I have is a
virtual number, and I don't see anything else but a
number there. :)

I was hoping someone else had successfully set up a
Libretel number ... I guess that's the question I
should have asked first. :)


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