[Asterisk-biz] PRI Hardware Echo Canceller

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Thu Jun 30 16:45:29 MST 2005

ewr at erols.com wrote:

> How long has this been shipping... and can anyone report on how well the 
> onboard echo-canceller actually works?

The TE411P (the 3.3V version) has been shipping since before Astricon, 
maybe three weeks or so. The TE406P (the 5V version) just started 
shipping this week. The onboard echo canceller is able to handle 120 
channels simultaneously with 16ms of echo tail (I don't remember how 
many taps it uses). We've seen a significant performance boost using 
this module (and the new generation 2 firmware for the TE4XXP cards) on 
low-end machines.

> Are there plans for a TE110P version?

Not at this time, no. If something along those lines does get created, 
it would be non-modular (the board would have it soldered on, unlike the 
TE4XXP where it is an add-on module). If you are interested in such a 
product, let the Digium sales department know :-)

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