[Asterisk-biz] Legal Requirement for Digital PBX

Chris Mason (Lists) lists at masonc.com
Thu Jun 23 15:05:38 MST 2005

Dean Collins wrote:

>Lol, then you have other issues to worry about - where the heck are you?
>Some third world country I can understand but USA....I doubt it.
You doubt correct. I am in Anguilla, British West Indies. With only one 
power station, no grid, anything will take the power out.
I have seen poles knocked down by joyriders resulting in outages, but 
the main reason is pole fires, the dry dusty climate cakes the equipment 
with dust and then a light shower turns it into a path to ground.
We have a generator and everything in the office is on a large UPS, so 
we rarely have to power down. Hurricanes are another matter, we can be 
down for days. and the power can be out for weeks.

Chris Mason
(264) 497-5670 Fax: (264) 497-8463
Int:  (305) 704-7249 Fax: (815)301-9759 
Cell: 264-235-5670
Yahoo IM: netconcepts_anguilla at yahoo.com 

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