[Asterisk-biz] RE: CC Fraud

Mike asterisk.forum at teliax.com
Mon Jun 20 16:06:37 MST 2005

YEP we do more complicated things then that and we still get 1-2 every
other day that slips by..

How hard for them to sync ip with DB post they make ... not really hard..

how hard again to tie with a random number in right NPA + area code ..very

they got theyr stuff tought of..

But then again .. i drink coffee, lots of it, speed is an issue.
You can't wait since its an abuse and they will abuse it fast.

Monitor , Monitor and Re Monitor all accounts
so the more they try.. the more we shrink the hole and its already the
size of a pinhead so they must be searching for other means by now..

Also dont discuss HOW you stop them here... if they intelligent enough to
make autodialers to make theyre 3rd party cash somehow they surely MUST
now about digum , asterisk and this list.

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Again, already being done. 3D Secure. Amazing, isn't it?

On Mon, 2005-06-20 at 13:56 -0500, John Lange wrote:
> My 2c...
> Confirm that the geographic location of the IP address matches the
> area code of the phone number and matches the address. Even though
> this isn't 100% reliable it catches a significant amount of them.
> For example, when the IP is Malaysia and the address is New York...
> You have a problem.

Kenneth Shaw
Director of Technology
ExpiTrans, Inc.
2428 Newport Blvd #8
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
tel: 949 278 7288
fax: 866 494 5043
ken at expitrans.com

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