[Asterisk-biz] Fraud, best practices and experiences

steve szmidt steve at szmidt.org
Sun Jun 19 08:32:19 MST 2005

On Sunday 19 June 2005 10:39, Dean Collins wrote:
> Yep along with the requirements to provide data protection etc.
> Even if hosted offshore I'm not sure it's something the asterisk
> community should be getting involved with (al la choicepoint
> prosecution)

What I see as the valuable thing here, is that we share best practices and 
experiences in dealing with problems related to fraud and similar problems. 

Tracking suspected/confirmed fraudulent identities and all their information 
is one thing. Tracking fraudulent behavior is another.

I strongly suggest that those who find the idea too squeamish to not get 
involved, and those who are interested in doing something about it to form a 

There's nothing stopping a bunch of individuals from getting together and 
sharing experiences. That's covered under Free Speech. If we are lucky we can 
get a lawyer to join who knows enough about which boundries not to cross.

Meanwhile NOT to do something is the biggest mistake we can make as a group. 
There's a real problem out there. There are even those who would prefer if we 
did not get organized in any fashion. Just stayed small and never made an 
impact on anything. I'm talking about VoIP providers.

So I'll say let's put together a list for those who are interested in 
discussing the above experiences. I certainly have the ability to host the 
list if no one else wants to, with 24/7 support. 

Those interested in such a list, for nothing but educational, and maybe to 
help your fellow VoIP'er, stand up and be counted! Or, come up with a better 
suggestion about how to DO something effective.

There's no doubt, many if not most VoIP'ers are not familiar with the many 
pitfalls and liabilities this new industry has and is going to amass. If we 
did nothing but put together our own virtual newsletter, it would be better 
than nothing. 

It may not fly due to lack of interest, but not doing anything is the worst 
thing we can do. And if the length of this thread is any indication this is a 
hot subject.


Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin

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