: [Asterisk-biz] Patent lawyers?

Alex Pui alex.pui at act-labs.com
Wed Jun 1 20:41:31 MST 2005

The rule of game of patent is like this :

You can't patent anything in the public domain, therefore you can't patent
"calling mom" as many people have done that before. You can only patent that
either as "improvement" ( now you find a way to call your mom "mom"and she
will earn a dollar which I assume nobody has done that before, then this is
an invention) or in different application (such as calling you wife "mom"
and she will mad at you anymore ---assuming nobody out there has done that)
then you will have a patent, and now anybody wants to use your application
has to pay you a license.

In IT, people knows patent laws (of course abundance chasers) might file
plenty patents which do not have a real application in mind. The patent
reviewers are base on the rule that as long as it is an application that has
not filed patent before and it is not in the public domain as far as they
know, they will grant the patent.

In most cases, I found those patents without a real application in place is
easy to find its loophole and to get around it, the tricky part of this game
is you have to spend over $100K to prove that the patent is not related to
your real application, so small guys will easily get caught.

I don't pretend to be the expert but this is what I learned in a hard way.


-----Original Message-----
From: asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: June 1, 2005 9:44 AM
To: asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com
Subject: re:: [Asterisk-biz] Patent lawyers?

ok well

Founded in 1995, j2 Global Communications, Inc., provides outsourced,
value-added messaging and communications services to individuals and
businesses around the world. j2

that would mean anycompany founed before 1995 could take over thsoe patent
if they can show they develed them? no ?

you know thats like that dumbass that said he patented the www protocol..

wth ?

www protocol.. and me that was thinking www is an alias for TCP protocol
running on port 80..

hey i was born in '73.. and i spoke the word mom  before all others
whospoke it after me.. too bad i didnt patent that...

and too bad im not 99 years old to patent it now..

bah im surely wrong anyhow

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