[Asterisk-biz] VOIPJET: UK Mobile Highest ASR and Highest ALOC, Cost 0.1265+

Anton Krall akrall-lists at intruder.com.mx
Sun Jul 24 03:46:27 MST 2005

Same case for Mexico, VOIPJet has a very nice and clear signal to major
cities in Mexico. Sometimes calls are not completed but I figure this is a
problem with Mexican Cellular Network and the way they charge their service
to end users (prepaid calling cards) so no credit, no termination of calls.

Seems that if a Mexican Cel Phone user gets a voip call, he is charged as if
he made the call himself to a local number, ex. I call a Mexican Cel Phone
number via VOIPJet, the local cel phone user gets charged as if he had
called a local fixed number (per minute charges) so if this cel phone user
is a prepaid cel user, and he has no credit left, his cel phone just wont
ring on incoming voip calls since nobody has a way to charge him for the

Weird.. But better because it used to be a rule that if a cel phone user got
a LD call from the US, he was charged with all LD charges as well as air
time, plus, the LD calling party from the US was also charged for the LD
call he had made.

Damn phone companies! 

|-----Original Message-----
|From: asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com 
|[mailto:asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of 
|Mark John Buenconsejo
|Sent: Sábado, 16 de Julio de 2005 09:51 p.m.
|To: Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion
|Subject: Re: [Asterisk-biz] VOIPJET: UK Mobile Highest ASR and 
|Highest ALOC,Cost 0.1265+
|Likewise, VOIPJet is by far the best we've experienced so far. 
|:) Although we're not making calls to the US, where their 
|servers are; we have experienced a very high quality of calls 
|to New Zealand phone numbers. :)
|joel reed wrote:
|>On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 07:47:36PM -0400, VoipJet Asterisk Biz wrote:
|>>Finally, with a lot of IAX termination providers going 
|bankrupt or not 
|>>accepting customers often for months at a time . . .remember 
|that you 
|>>can put your trust in VoipJet, the world's largest IAX 
|termination provider.
|>>We are debt free, profitable and maintain a large cash reserve over 
|>>and above what our customers have deposited with us.
|>Congratulations and keep up the good work! 
|>A satisfied customer,
|>p.s. Any chance voipjet could send an email when account reserves go 
|>below a certain threshold? That would be helpful...
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