[Asterisk-biz] VOIPJET: UK Mobile Highest ASR and Highest ALOC, Cost 0.1265+

Mark John Buenconsejo markjohn1 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 19:51:01 MST 2005

Likewise, VOIPJet is by far the best we've experienced so far. :) 
Although we're not making calls to the US, where their servers are; we 
have experienced a very high quality of calls to New Zealand phone 
numbers. :)

joel reed wrote:

>On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 07:47:36PM -0400, VoipJet Asterisk Biz wrote:
>>Finally, with a lot of IAX termination providers going bankrupt or not 
>>accepting customers often for months at a time . . .remember that you can 
>>put your trust in VoipJet, the world's largest IAX termination provider.  
>>We are debt free, profitable and maintain a large cash reserve over and 
>>above what our customers have deposited with us.
>Congratulations and keep up the good work! 
>A satisfied customer,
>p.s. Any chance voipjet could send an email when account reserves 
>go below a certain threshold? That would be helpful...
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