[Asterisk-biz] Verizon Pre-paid Calling Card

Andrew Thompson andrewkt at aktzero.com
Fri Jul 8 10:41:00 MST 2005

Michael Welter wrote:
> I was looking at a Verizon calling card at the 7-11.  Besides the 
> whopping 79¢ call setup fee, I noticed it does not allow calls to 
> toll-free numbers.  Is this a marketing ploy, or is there a financial 
> reason they won't complete calls to 800,888,877, etc.  I thought toll 
> free meant toll free.

If you could call the number on the calling card(which is generally 
toll-free), why would you need to use the card to call another toll-free 

It also might have to do with the routing that happens with calling 
cards that normally kills callerid.

> Also, there is a 50¢ surcharge for calls from payphones.  What reason 
> would they have for this?

There is a technical name for this, but basically it's because they have 
to pay the payphone provider for allowing you to use their payphone and 
not paying the payphone's exorbiant rates. (Calling cards generally are 
toll-free, so they bypass the payphone's moneychanger.)

Andrew Thompson
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