[Asterisk-biz] didx testing now open

Rehan Ahmed AllahWala - Super Technologies I rehan at supertec.com
Tue Jul 5 07:30:32 MST 2005

dear all,

Didx.org is now under testing.

ANy one who has an account on it, is requested to please let me know personall and 
i will do testing with them.

MY MSN IS rehan at supertec.com and yahoo id is rehanallahwala

Again DIDX.org is now available for testing

RehanSuper Technologies Inc., Pensacola, Florida
http://www.supertec.com - Technologies from tomorrow, TODAY!
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any  number in the world instantly.
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http://www.MySuperPhone.com - The NEXT Generation of Telephone.
Http://www.ip-pabx.com - One World, One Number, One Pabx, All Hosted.
Http://www.superPBX.net - One World, One Number, One Pabx, Physical.
http://www.didX.org - We will sell all your DID stock for you.

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