[Asterisk-biz] Canadian 1-800 outgoing traffic.

Jeremy McNamara jj at nufone.net
Tue Jan 25 09:26:43 MST 2005

Nabeel Jafferali wrote:

>Whenever I call (for example) 1-800-267-6999 from Nufone passing my
>Toronto Caller*ID (416-491-XXXX), I get an error message saying the
>number cannot be reached from my calling area. Calling through
>Voicepulse has the same effect.
>However, calling through FWD or from my landline results in the call
>going through.

Then set a US48 caller*id and the call will work.   800-257-6999 is not 
enabled to work from Canada, thus why you received that message.

Jeremy McNamara

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