[Asterisk-biz] Canadian 1-800 outgoing traffic.

Sergey Kuznetsov asterisk_biz at deeptown.org
Tue Jan 25 07:35:56 MST 2005

Thanks a lot for the info Jabeel!
It mostly for me. But sometimes my customers dialing 1-800- numbers and 
I don't want to charge them, and at the same time don't want
to be charged myself.

Nabeel Jafferali wrote:

>>Does anyone terminate Canadian 1-800 outgoing traffic?
>>I tried NuFone, but no luck. It accepts only US48 1-800 outgoing
>If it's not commercial volume, I'm sure you can use FWD. I call CRA (the
>Canadian IRS) all the time using FWD, and the calls goes through. The
>same call through Nufone and Voicepulse fails.

All the Best!
Sergey Kuznetsov
         High Intellectual Technologies, Inc.

           Web: http://www.hitcalls.com
        E-mail: sergey.kuznetsov at highintellect.com
Business phone: (416) 548-9700
  Mobile phone: (647) 287-8448

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