[Asterisk-biz] www.lingo.com - Is there any limitation ?

William Suffill william.suffill at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 17:41:22 MST 2005

On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 23:36:55 +0100, Andres at itranser.com
<Andres at itranser.com> wrote:
> I saw the plans of www.broadvoice.com and they are very interesting... It
> seems to be a fixed and cheap price that allows you to call everywhere, no
> limit on minutes...And it seems to be a quality service. 
>  HOWEVER, I can not understand very well where is the business on this
> offerings....  Is there any limitation there ?   I meant, if I use them as
> my voIP providers.... Could I connect my swithboard there, and offer service
> to all my customers, so my customers connect my service and I use a single
> account on my swithboard to reconnect my users to one of those single-plan
> offers ? How do they control that I am not reselling their routes to my own
> customers ? 
> Kind Regards, 
>                                         Andres

Given their business model reselling of the termination is prohibited.
They can easily limit how many concurrent calls you are allowed to
make and using thousands of minutes will raise suspection. Their terms
and conditions would allow you to be suspended if not terminated for
abusing the service.

Quoted from http://www.broadvoice.com/terms.html
" 1.2.1 Residential Use of Service and Device
If you have subscribed to BroadVoice's Residential services, the
Service and Device are provided to you as a residential user, for your
personal, residential, non-business and non-professional use.  This
means that you are not using them for any commercial or governmental
activities, profit-making or non-profit, including but not limited to
home office, business, sales, tele-commuting, tele-marketing,
autodialing, continuous or extensive call forwarding, fax broadcast,
fax blasting or any other activity that would be inconsistent with
normal residential usage patterns.  This also means that you are not
to resell or transfer the Service or the Device to any other person
for any purpose, or make any charge for the use of the Service,
without express written permission from BroadVoice in advance.  You
agree that your use of the Service and/or Device, or the use of the
Service and/or Device provided to you by any other person for any
commercial or governmental purpose will obligate you to pay
BroadVoice's higher rates for commercial service on account of all
periods, including past periods, in which you use, or used, the
Service for commercial or governmental purposes.  BroadVoice reserves
the right to immediately terminate or modify the Service, if
BroadVoice determines, in its sole discretion, that Customer's Service
is being used for non-residential or commercial use.
1.2.2 Small Business Use of Service and Device - Prohibition on Resale
If you have subscribed to BroadVoice's Small Business services, the
Service and Device are provided to you as a small business user.  This
means that you are not to resell or transfer the service or device to
any other person for any purpose, without express written permission
from BroadVoice in advance. You agree that the BroadVoice Small
Business Plans do not confer the right to use the service for
auto-dialing, continuous or extensive call forwarding, telemarketing,
fax broadcasting or fax blasting. BroadVoice reserves the right to
immediately terminate or modify the Service, if BroadVoice determines,
in its sole discretion, that Customer's Service is being used for any
of the aforementioned activities."

-- William

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