[Asterisk-biz] Asterisk with Euro ISDN and 30 analog lines

Daniel Nyström daniel.nystrom at westel.se
Tue Jan 4 08:11:07 MST 2005

Hi folks!

Our company are going to buy an E1 line with Euro ISDN and 30 lines (channels).

This is how it will be configured:
3 Lines, of the total of 30, is going to be for the company phones, and share one phonenumber (eg. 555-12340).
1 Line will be dedicated to a specific unique phonenumber (Fax) (eg. 555-54321).
The rest of the lines/channels (26) will be used by (by, not for) our customers, and will be redirected via our system to mobile devices (for more info: http://www.westel.se, and choose English in up-left corner).
The large "group" will use a range of 1000 phonenumbers, which in turn will specify which mobile device it will redirect to (eg. 555-40000 to 555-40999).

All lines/channels need to be connected to analog phones! And with the "large group", it has to deliver all Caller-ID and which of the thousend number was called. Preferably with DTMF. And on out-going calls, it also has to receive destination phonenumber, and preferably even it's own number (one of the thousend numbers).

Since we are going to provide unique numbers to each mobile device (just like a cellular), it requires alot of unusual features.
And about that out-going calls receiving the callers number, it would be nice to present the number from which mobile device the call is made. Again like regular cellulars.

We already have analoge interfaces for our current exchanger, and each of them are connected to regular PSTN lines (each with individual accounts and numbers). That's why we need analog interface from Asterisk to our exchanger.

Is this possible with Asterisk?

Hope this wasn't too confusing. Just let me know if there are anything unclear, and I will try to explain it in a better way.

Happy new year!

Best Regards
Daniel Nyström
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