[Asterisk-biz] Asterisk for small businesses.

William Waites ww at groovy.net
Mon Feb 21 10:07:16 MST 2005

On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 08:39:59AM -0500, Sergey Kuznetsov wrote:
> Okay. Lets stop the flame wars. If you like Python - just do it on 
> Python. I will do it on Perl, C++ or c-smile. =)

Wasn't intending to start a flame war. Key words were "embedded" and
"no fork(2)" and "persistant database connection". You could in principle
do that in perl as well, in fact I think someone has written a perl
module for Asterisk that does just this, though I may be wrong. The
part about python being more pleasant than perl was just an alliterative
joke, don't take it too seriously.

As Jeremy pointed out, AGI on its own doesn't scale too well due to
overhead of fork(2)ing and making new database connections, etc.

William Waites, Consulting Technologist | Utility is when you have one telephone,
Consultants Ars Informatica S.A.R.F.    | luxury is when you have two, opulence is
ww at groovy.net / +1 416 848 1527 x514    | when you have three -- and paradise is
                +1 514 963 4096 (Direct)| when you have none.       -- Doug Larson

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