[Asterisk-biz] asterisk as outbound dialer only
digium-list at 9ux.com
Thu Feb 3 11:54:43 MST 2005
Preston Garrison wrote:
> Your posting it in hopes people will come down their and do something.
> enough said. I am sick of tired of hearing people thinking the
> solution to a phone call, or the fact they have to delete an email is
> violence. It makes them much worse then the person who sent it.
So if a small guy goes into a bar and says things to a huge guy that
provoke him to violence, we focus all our attention on the violence and
ignore the fact that it was deliberately provoked.
Actions speak louder than words and what these people are saying by
their actions is "I dare you to find me and kick my ass".
I never said that I would actually post the address. Just suggesting it
to the slimebuckets is enough. The mere thought of it is distressing to
them. That's because they know they are just pissing many, many people
off. What I would actually do is get the address verified and then
notify them that it will soon be posted in all the right places. So they
have to pack up their shit and run. So sad. Too bad.
> Preston Garrison
> direct: 877-748-4142
> fax: 310-774-3901
> cell: 623-748-4140
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul <digium-list at 9ux.com>
> To: Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion
> <asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com>
> Sent: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 00:33:33 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-biz] asterisk as outbound dialer only
> Preston Garrison wrote:
>> You know I would much rather have a telemarketing call, then knowing
> > someone like you is out their dishing out vigilante justice. Go back
>> to iraq!
> Preston,
> Next time you post, try to think for more that 1 or 2 seconds before
> you type.
> Iraq has nothing to do with the topic. I am not dishing out vigilante
> justice. If you have a valid legitimate business you usually do not
> hide your business street address from the general public. If I called
> a lot of the readers of this list and "threatened" to post their
> business street address on the internet they would tell me "Go ahead.
> It's already on my website."
> I doubt that even 1% of the recipients want the calls, faxes and
> emails we are talking about. I would certainly feel foolish saying
> anything at all in defense of the practices, whether legal or not. I
> am no vigilante but definitely proud to be an anti.
> I am suspicious of those who defend such practices. I suspect that
> they have something to lose if it all gets outlawed. If it was
> outlawed the way it really should be outlawed people would do some
> jail time. Appropriating(without permission) thousands of dollars a
> day of other people's communications channels, hardware, personal
> time, employee time, fax paper and fax toner is not in harmony with my
> way of thinking. We agree to disagree but I am right and you are wrong.
> --
> Paul
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul <digium-list at 9ux.com>
>> To: Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion >
> <asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com>
>> Sent: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 21:15:32 -0500
>> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-biz] asterisk as outbound dialer only
>> Alex Pui wrote:
>>> At 18:14 2005-2-2 -0500, Frank (INMTE) wrote:
>>>> Ok FIRST !
>>>> You cant use this to spam .. Telco companies USA?CANADA have the >>
>> same >> rule
>>>> as to YOU NEED TO HAVE an operator to talk to human if they pick up
>> Regardless of what they allow the moral principle is the same. I
> would > feel better robbing banks for a living than helping >
> spammers/faxblasters/telemarketers.
>> I got a call this week on a business line. I now answer that line
> with > "Hello" instead of anything to hint that it is a business. She
> asked > who she was speaking with. I asked "Is this a telemarketing
> call?". I > got a pause and a click for an answer. I was more annoyed
> by that than > the people who just go directly into a sales pitch. I
> guess she was > psychic and knew in advance that if she answered I was
> not going to > say "That's wonderful because I have been sitting here
> all day hoping > somebody would call and try to sell me something."
>> I have a cause that I am dedicated to. Every day I try to find the >
> time to call at least one tollfree number I get from a junk fax or >
> spam email. I am not talking about the numbers for removal from the >
> list. I call the sales number. Typical conversation:
>> Them: "Hello. Can I help you?"
>> Me: "I got your message about the email address database. Can I get >
> one of those CD's today?"
>> Them: "Sure! I can place your order and ship it via overnight ...."
>> Me: "I need it right away. I have sales reps most cities. I could >
> probably send someone over with the $250 in cash to pick it up today."
>> Them: "We don't operate that way."
>> Me: "Too bad because if you did, I would have your street address >
> posted on the internet by now and you would get to meet lots of new >
> friends."
>> So far I have not been able to get an address and doubt I ever will.
> > They idea is to remind them of how unpopular they are and add a few
> > cents to the tollfree bill.
>>> Are you sure, my kids school will broadcast a message to our phone >
>> without a real human, so do you mean I can complain?
>> The school has an established relationship with the kids and parents.
> > It's not the same as telemarketing to strangers. I'm sure you can >
> complain but I have no idea of the results you will get.
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