[Asterisk-biz] www.google.com/talk/

Lars Dybdahl ldybdahl at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 09:18:17 MST 2005

You don't.

Google Talk is based on the jabber.org protocol, and as far as I
understand, that's also the protocol that delivers the voice.

Jabber is a decentralized protocol where everybody can set up their
own servers etc., and user identities is based on the
username at servername schema. This means that all jabber users can
contact all other jabber users, no matter what their provider is -
however, Google Talk doesn't seem to allow incoming and outgoing
requests to/from their system right now. Many big companies use jabber
protocol based instant messaging systems, and something seems to
indicate, that jabber will conquer the world.

There is no inline dtmf signalling in the protocol or something
equivalent that would make it suitable for connecting to asterisk, or
make it suitable to replace the existing phone system. Therefore,
jabber and Google Talk must be seen as a collaboration tool for
computer users, and not a generic telephone tool.

However, Google will probably incorporate SIP phone features in a
later version of the Google Talk client application.

One thing is sure: If somebody owns shares in Skype, sell them asap! :-)


On 8/26/05, smbPBX <smbpbx at gmail.com> wrote:
> How do you connect GoogleTalk to Asterisk?

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