[Asterisk-biz] LiveVoip Multi Channel PBX City Plan

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Wed Apr 27 20:44:21 MST 2005

alex at pilosoft.com wrote:

> Uhh...Yes, you pay per-minute for outbound PRIs with pretty much every
> carrier, even for local calls. You usually pay very very low rate on local
> (note, not intralata toll) calls, but you still pay (0.004$/minute sounds
> about right on that). 0.004$/minute is way too low even for non-blended.

As you've already noticed in other messages, this is very 
market-dependent. In Phoenix (and all of Arizona), retail PRIs come with 
free local outbound calling, and free inbound calling. There are no 
per-minute charges for any calls that do not involve either an IXC or 
operator services. That is the case with the ILEC (QWest) and all CLECs 
I know of in the market. Some carriers do offer inbound-only PRI as 
well, with lower per-channel costs (and coverage across multiple NPAs in 
the same local calling area).

Now you _can_ buy wholesale PRI (poor man's SS7/IMT), in which case you 
pay a lower per-channel cost and per-minute usage charges. This doesn't 
make any sense business-wise until you are buying a large number of 
channels, though.

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