[Asterisk-biz] SimpleTelecom - Opinions/Experience?

Paul digium-list at 9ux.com
Fri Apr 15 17:39:34 MST 2005

alex at pilosoft.com wrote:

>On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Paul wrote:
>>What happens to low cost providers when the big boys drop prices and
>>offer SIP directly to the end-user?
>That will not happen.
>Big boys will lose money at that setup, and they don't want to lose money.
So do the little boys want to lose money or do they want to lose 
customers? Maybe both?

I think some people approach this business with the same mentality as a 
salvage store. You can sell lots of things that have smoke and water 
damage by lowering the prices. Voip is not in that category at all.

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