[Asterisk-biz] Demo Systems

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Fri Oct 22 05:56:06 MST 2004

I am in Columbia Maryland and can take you to see an actual production
system and you can also get feedback from the actual users.

Steve Totaro

-----Original Message-----
From: asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-biz-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Fao, Sean
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 8:50 AM
To: asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com
Subject: [Asterisk-biz] Demo Systems

Hello All:

I am considering use of Aterisk for a small company that I work for and 
would feel much more comfortable making a decision after seeing a 
working system --perhaps a demo.  Are there any such systems available?

Perhaps I could attend a seminar that demonstrates a working system.  I 
live in Maryland; but, would gladly travel a reasonable distance if this

is necessary.

Thank you in advance,

Asterisk-Biz mailing list
Asterisk-Biz at lists.digium.com

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