[Asterisk-biz] wish to buy E1 channel bank and DACS

Samudra E. Haque haque at pradeshta.net
Thu Dec 9 12:51:31 MST 2004

Wish to buy used/refurbished el-cheapo E1 FXS / FXO or FXS-only channel bank
for testing purposes. E1 R2 CAS preferred, other signalling formats maybe.
This will be used in a Asterisk server with 4-port E1 digital interface card
from Varion.

If you are interested, please let me know by off-list e-mail with your
location, and the price in USD that you are seeking.

I'm also looking for E1 DACS or DXC components from RAD or similiar
manufacturers. Any offers of redundant equipment please let me know.


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