[asterisk-app-dev] Stasis continueInDialplan - control remains in ARI app?
BJ Weschke
bweschke at btwtech.com
Sat Sep 10 08:40:17 CDT 2016
That breaks the ARI philosophy. If a channel is in the Stasis dial plan application, the ARI framework has full control of that channel. Once you release that channel back into the dial plan, there’s really no workable way for ARI to keep any kind of control over that channel because the dial plan applications that now have ownership of that channel may cause conflicting instructions.
BJ Weschke
Sent with Airmail
On September 10, 2016 at 9:29:12 AM, Maxim Litnitskiy (litnimaxster at gmail.com) wrote:
Hi dear developers!
I have a question like this.
Imagine that I call to 10:
exten => 10,1,Set(CONNECT_TO_CONTEXT=01 at public-in)
exten => 10,2,Stasis(test)
My test ARI app:
def ari_app_connect_to_context(channel, event):
result = channel.getChannelVar(variable='CONNECT_TO_CONTEXT')
context_exten = result.get('value')
if context_exten:
extension, context = context_exten.split('@')
channel.continueInDialplan(context=context, extension=extension, priority=1)
And 01 at public-in is:
exten => 01,1,Answer
exten => 01,n,Queue(support)
What I am trying to do is to keep control over the channel in my Stasis app.
So when I accept a call to Stasis and then pass it over to dialplan - should not that channel stay in Stasis controlled channels?
Why not keep it there to have control from ARI app?
Is it possible to implement or breaks ARI philosophy ?
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