[asterisk-announce] AST-2014-001: Stack Overflow in HTTP Processing of Cookie Headers.

Asterisk Security Team security at asterisk.org
Mon Mar 10 16:06:44 CDT 2014

               Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2014-001

         Product        Asterisk                                              
         Summary        Stack Overflow in HTTP Processing of Cookie Headers.  
    Nature of Advisory  Denial Of Service                                     
      Susceptibility    Remote Unauthenticated Sessions                       
         Severity       Moderate                                              
      Exploits Known    No                                                    
       Reported On      February 21, 2014                                     
       Reported By      Lucas Molas, researcher at Programa STIC, Fundacion   
                        Dr. Manuel Sadosky, Buenos Aires, Argentina           
        Posted On       March 10, 2014                                        
     Last Updated On    March 10, 2014                                        
     Advisory Contact   Richard Mudgett <rmudgett AT digium DOT com>          
         CVE Name       CVE-2014-2286                                         

    Description  Sending a HTTP request that is handled by Asterisk with a    
                 large number of Cookie headers could overflow the stack.     
                 You could even exhaust memory if you sent an unlimited       
                 number of headers in the request.                            

    Resolution  The patched versions now handle headers in a fashion that     
                prevents a stack overflow. Users should upgrade to a          
                corrected version, apply the released patches, or disable     
                HTTP support.                                                 

                               Affected Versions
                Product              Release Series  
         Asterisk Open Source            1.8.x       All versions             
         Asterisk Open Source             11.x       All versions             
         Asterisk Open Source             12.x       All versions             
          Certified Asterisk             1.8.x       All versions             
          Certified Asterisk              11.x       All versions             

                                  Corrected In
                 Product                              Release                 
          Asterisk Open Source     , 11.8.1, 12.1.1         
           Certified Asterisk                1.8.15-cert5, 11.6-cert2         

                                 SVN URL                               Revision  
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2014-001-1.8.diff    Asterisk  
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2014-001-11.diff     Asterisk  
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2014-001-12.diff     Asterisk  
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2014-001-1.8.15.diff Certified 
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2014-001-11.6.diff   Certified 

       Links     https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-23340       

    Asterisk Project Security Advisories are posted at                        
    This document may be superseded by later versions; if so, the latest      
    version will be posted at                                                 
    http://downloads.digium.com/pub/security/AST-2014-001.pdf and             

                                Revision History
          Date                  Editor                 Revisions Made         
    03/10/14           Richard Mudgett           Initial Revision.            

               Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2014-001
              Copyright (c) 2014 Digium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  Permission is hereby granted to distribute and publish this advisory in its
                           original, unaltered form.

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