[asterisk-announce] AST-2012-011: Remote crash vulnerability in voice mail application

Asterisk Security Team security at asterisk.org
Thu Jul 5 16:04:39 CDT 2012

               Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2012-011

         Product        Asterisk                                              
         Summary        Remote crash vulnerability in voice mail application  
    Nature of Advisory  Denial of Service                                     
      Susceptibility    Remote authenticated sessions                         
         Severity       Moderate                                              
      Exploits Known    No                                                    
       Reported On      June 13, 2012                                         
       Reported By      Nicolas Bouliane - Avencall Security Labs             
        Posted On       June 27, 2012                                         
     Last Updated On    July 5, 2012                                          
     Advisory Contact   Kinsey Moore <kmoore at digium.com>                      
         CVE Name       CVE-2012-3812                                         

    Description  If a single voicemail account is manipulated by two parties  
                 simultaneously, a condition can occur where memory is freed  
                 twice causing a crash.                                       

    Resolution  Management of the memory in question has been reworked so     
                that double frees and out of bounds array access do not       
                occur. Upgrade to the latest release.                         

                               Affected Versions
              Product              Release Series     
       Asterisk Open Source             1.8.x         1.8.11 and newer        
       Asterisk Open Source             10.x          10.3 and newer          
        Certified Asterisk          1.8.11-certx      All versions            
       Asterisk Digiumphones     10.x.x-digiumphones  All versions            

                                  Corrected In
                  Product                              Release                
            Asterisk Open Source         , 10.5.2           
             Certified Asterisk                      1.8.11-cert4             
           Asterisk Digiumphones                 10.5.2-digiumphones          

                                 URL                                  Revision   
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2012-011-1.8.diff Asterisk     
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2012-011-10.diff  Asterisk 10, 

       Links     https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20052       

    Asterisk Project Security Advisories are posted at                        
    This document may be superseded by later versions; if so, the latest      
    version will be posted at                                                 
    http://downloads.digium.com/pub/security/AST-2012-011.pdf and             

                                Revision History
          Date                  Editor                 Revisions Made         
    06/27/2012         Kinsey Moore              Initial Release              

               Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2012-011
              Copyright (c) 2012 Digium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  Permission is hereby granted to distribute and publish this advisory in its
                           original, unaltered form.

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