[asterisk-announce] Asterisk 1.4.2 Released

Asterisk Development Team asteriskteam at digium.com
Wed Mar 21 07:23:40 MST 2007

The Asterisk and Zaptel development teams have released Asterisk 1.4.2.

In addition to minor bug fixes, this release includes:

- improved SLA support, sample configurations and documentation

- fixes for incoming DTMF handling in the IAX2 channel driver

There are also two security-related changes in this version:

- a fix for a SIP channel driver remote DoS vulnerability

- a fix for a SIP channel driver remote DoS vulnerability discovered by
INRIA Lorraine

All users of Asterisk 1.4 with the SIP channel driver loaded and
connected to an untrusted network are urged to update to this release to
avoid the possibility of experiencing these problems.

Thanks for your support of Asterisk and Zaptel!

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